On Tuesday I took part in the debate in the second reading of the European Union (Notification of Withdrawal) Bill, which aims to provide the Prime Minister and UK Government with the power to invoke Article 50 and begin the process of leaving the EU.
As many will be aware, I voted to remain at the Referendum, not out of love for the European Union but because at that particular time I thought it the best way to use my personal vote. However, I could have equally constructed an argument to leave as are the imperfections of the Union.
Nevertheless, democracy spoke and over 64% of Medway’s voters decided we needed to leave the EU. I have never thought that people did not know what they voted for and that they did not realise that leaving the European Union would mean leaving the single market or the customs union. It was a clear message from the majority of voters and this will has to be respected. That is why I voted in favour of voting for invoking Article 50 in the second reading of the Bill, and I will do so again when it returns for its third reading.
Sadly, I feel that this Bill is more of a distraction from being able to get on with a decision that has already been made by the British people. By focusing and getting on with planning negotiations, it will more likely help bring quicker the certainty we need. Similarly, the sooner we trigger article 50, the sooner we can take a long, hard look at the way in which we manage our own regulations, which has hindered our progress and restricted our own potential, as the EU may have done.
This is an opportunity we need to grab with both hands if it is to become a real success. It is a time to get real about immigration, trade, industry and our economy, and to use our sovereign power to dictate our path without having the EU to blame for future difficulties.
I voted to remain, and I will be representing my constituents in the House of Commons to ensure that all future UK legislative decisions taken here benefit the people of Rochester and Strood, and others, no matter whether they voted to remain or to leave.
The full transcript of my speech can be read here: https://hansard.parliament.uk/Commons/2017-01-31/debates/C2852E15-21D3-4F03-B8C3-F7E05F2276B0/EuropeanUnion(NotificationOfWithdrawal)Bill#contribution-39EFFC93-882D-4498-8AC6-5C1CD5D1E849